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Contact Sierra

If after reviewing the details I have here on my website, you decide you'd like to get together, please send me an email introducing yourself!  I would love to hear from you and make plans for us to enjoy one another's company!  When emailing to introduce yourself, please be sure to include your name, a little about yourself, when you might like to get together and in what part of town you'd like to meet. 


As I do answer all my own emails, please allow me at least 24 hours to get back with you.  While I try to reply to emails the same day, due to my career life, I am not always able to, so I do thank you in advance for your patience if it takes me a little longer to get back with you!


Keep in mind that I do require Screening of all those I've not yet had the pleasure of meeting with, so when you're looking to arrange a time for us to get together, please factor in the time it takes for screening as I'd hate to miss you!  Screening is absolutely necessary in order to ensure my safety and level of comfort during our rendezvous.  If you're not comfortable giving the details required for the screening process, then we won't be able to connect or get together. Screening is mandatory and there are no exceptions

My first point of contact is by email, so please expect an email reply. If we decide to get together, I do like to arrange a phone call after the screening process, so that we can connect by phone, say hello and get acquainted prior to meeting in person!


 I look forward to hearing from you and do hope to have the pleasures of your company in the very near future!

Thank you in advance for your understanding!


Sierra Raine

 * I do not reply to messages of a rude or inappropriate nature, so please be respectful when messaging me *

** I am listed on P411 & welcome all Preferred411 Members! **

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